Ryan Neiman's MLB Baseball Extended Profile

Who am I?

For a normal person when they wake up in the morning, they usually yawn and go to the bathroom. Not me. The first thing I do is reach for the remote and turn on ESPN. My blood is embedded in sports. If it wasn't for sports, I would not know what path to follow in my life. I follow every sport but my favorite has to be baseball. My team: Chicago Cubs. How much have I suffered as a Cubs fan: A LOT.

Brief description

Hey Hey Holy Mackerol No Doubt about it, the Cubs are on their Way!



State / Region


Postal code



United States

Email address


Work telephone


Mobile telephone



Art museums, Family Guy, House, Lifiting weights, Mexican Food, Movies, Music, Pizza, Quentin Taratino films, Sports, Sportscenter, The Simpsons, Video games, Warmth, Water


Agruing, Being Cold, Bo Jackson, Chapped lips., Charles Barkely, Chicago White Sox, Facial Hair, Jon Kruk, Peas and Carrots, Running, Screaming, Winter

I would like to ...

become a movie director. I would like to create movies that would change the face of the industry. I would like to donate half

Level of Education

Freshman in College

High School

Hinsdale South

University / College

Columbia College

Main Skills

I am a very good writter and speaker. I get along easily with everyone. My main skills however involve the knowledge of sports

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