Opening Day 2016 posted by Greg Cunningham
In her book about growing up as a Brooklyn Dodger fan, Doris Kearns Goodwin laments an often-used cliché about the Dodgers, one which even made its way onto an official Dodger Calendar, and became the title of her memoir: “Wait until next year.” As her coming of age story progresses, she learns the phrase is not just about hoping her beloved Dodgers win a World Series after a season of disappointment (which they eventually did), but also about moving forward, finding solace, and using time to heal emotional wounds.
It is no surprise that the start of the baseball season is associated with the concept of rebirth and rejuvenation. Spring wakes us from a long winter’s nap, and as the days get brighter, our spirits rebound as well. As the home opener approaches, the sun has not quite set when we arrive home each evening, the winter hats and scarves are safely tucked away, and our energy levels grow stronger each day.
By today, there is a palpable feeling of magic in the air. The sun shines brighter, the sky seems bluer, and grass is as green as an emerald jewel. Getting out of bed this morning was easy, and with each step, there is an extra bounce. There is joy in our hearts and we almost giggle with excitement as the day progresses. “No,” we tell our friends who are not indoctrinated in the game of threes and nines, “I am not on drugs.” Today there is a euphoria better than any type of artificial high, a day for optimism and faith, a day like no other day on the calendar: today is Opening Day at Fenway Park.
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